Our Solutions | Know I.T Consulting LTD
Know I.T Consulting LTD / The Technology partner of choice / 17 Station Road, Kettering, Northants NN15 7HH

Our Solutions

Business Process Automation

In every business there are numerous trivial daily/weekly/monthly tasks that need completing on a day to day basis by employees. You will be surprised how the majority of these tasks can potentially be done by a piece of be-spoke automated software – which is developed specifically for your business.

The automation can save a great portion of the employees’ time and free them to do more interesting and more valuable functions for your business.

Let us help you re-engineer the way you operate your business today – we can almost certainly guarantee cost savings with quick returns. Contact us today to discuss our Business Automation Services.

Systems Integration

Does your business operate a series of stand alone applications or legacy systems? Do you now find that there is a lot of repetitive manual processes and redundant data being held across these applications with no easy way for them to play together?

Increasingly today, organisations are faced with the issue of integrating different applications and database systems across various functions and departments. Our approach to Systems Integration is the process of linking disparate applications within a single organisation together so that they can share data more efficiently and automatically. The idea is to simplify and automate business processes with no major changes to the underlying data and structures. Bringing together technology expertise and business acumen, our Systems Integration consultants can help you transform your silo-based enterprise systems into a single streamlined entity to produce a seamless transfer of data and reducing inefficient workarounds.

Data Processing Services

Up to date and accurate customer records are a life blood to every business. At Know I.T. Consulting we recognise the importance of accurate data records, remember the mailings that you send to your customers are the face of your business and if the address quality is poor, or peoples names are spelt incorrectly – the image of your business as a professional organisation becomes tarnished. Our services for data processing include:

  • Address Improvement
  • Data Health Checks
  • Data Processing
  • De-Dupes
  • Mailsort
  • Merge-Purge
  • Supressions

Put us to the test today by sending us a small sample of you data and see what we can do with it.